jAlbum Turtle skin

Turtle skin settings explained

Skin version: 3.4.6

Turtle skin has such an extensive feature set – I guess even the most experienced of you can find something new. To get into Turtle skin settings either click the little skin icon next to the skin chooser in jAlbum or press F4.


Show top navigation

Select to display a multi-level, site-wide top navigation menu at the top of the index page.

Exclude folders

You can exclude the folders and display only the custom pages.


Include a logo at the top left corner of the navigation bar, linked to the top level album page. The max size is 180x40px. Suggested format: 8bit transparent PNG.

Link from the top level page

Adds a link which takes you one level up from the top level page. You can use any absolute or relative URL, not just the one level up (../).

Use breadcrumb path

Breadcrumb path is the clickable path of upper-level folders.

Use search box

Add an album-wide search box to your albums. Can search in the Title, Comment, Keywords and Face tag fields.

Skip thumbnail page

Visitors will taken straight to the first image in the album. However if there are sub-albums, you can’t skip the thumbnail page.

Offer download for…
  • Nothing = to turn off this feature
  • Scaled-down images = allow visitors to download the screen resolution images in the current folder packed as ZIP file
  • Originals = allow visitors to download the original images as ZIP file, even if you did not include them normally in the album
  • The whole album = visitors can download the whole album packed as ZIP file

Please note, albums using extended (accented) characters in file or folder names cannot be properly unzipped on Windows, because Windows decodes these characters mapping to the viewer PC’s default character set, while Java encodes always with UTF-8 encoding (which is capable of representing any character in any language). The files can be restored properly on every other OS though.

jAlbum Turtle skin

Turtle – frequently asked by you

While giving support for Turtle skin some of the questions pop up from time to time. I gathered here some of the most frequently asked ones.

Where can I change this or that?

I’m aware finding the Settings window isn’t obvious sometimes. You can go to settings either by clicking the “gears icon” below the project on the left hand side or clicking the “skin icon” next to the selected skin or choose the “Album » Settings” menu. The skin’s proprietary settings are gathered on the skin tab (called “Turtle” for example).

Base skin jAlbum

Base skin released

One of the most appreciated aspects of jAlbum is the ability to customize albums to fit your requirements. It is therefore important that we have a thriving skin developer community. These days it’s more common to see updates to a smaller set of album skins than to actually see new skins emerge. We believe this is much due to the higher expectations users have when it comes to standards compliance, features and visual appearance. It can also be a daunting task to modify existing skins as they have grown in code size and features – you easily break things. Some skins may also have a licensing model that doesn’t allow modification.

The Minimal skin was initially made to be minimal enough to encourage people to base their skins on it, but it is old, both with regards to html+css style and visual look. We have therefore designed a skin that should be the perfect blend: Basic enough to encourage you to base your modifications and new skins on it, but with a current code style, feature set and look. Welcome “Base” skin!

Base skin has a simple, well-documented HTML 4.0 / CSS 2.1 (3) structure, still sporting tons of advanced features. The features were transplanted from my other skins (e.g. Turtle) – metadata formatting by templates, breadcrumb path, custom background image, site colors, fonts and watermarking to name a few. These will spare you a lot of time, thus you can focus on the important things: the HTML stucture and styling.