jAlbum Turtle skin

Sell your products with the help of Turtle skin

You might’ve missed it, but Turtle skin can be used to sell your photos or products too. To use this option you need to hold a Pro license or a Power storage account with jAlbum. Although the payment is routed through Paypal or Google Checkout, your customers don’t need to be signed up with these payment processors, they can simply use their credit card as well. Here’s how you can create an album with a shopping cart, and how the visitors see the process.

Creating the album

First collect the photos (of the products) you want to sell, and create a new album in the jAlbum application.

  • Add the photos by the Add button or by dragging them onto jAlbum
  • Choose Turtle skin
  • Add an image to be used as “Theme image” on the index page. Right-click → Use as folder thumbnail, and Right-click → Exclude
  • Switch to Edit mode (Pencil icon) and add captions to your items with the details of the product (you can use HTML code too in the captions)