Creating multi-lingual albums is pretty straightforward with Chameleon. Make sure you have Chameleon v4.10 at least (Settings / Chameleon / About).
1. Setup the album the usual way
2. Add comments
Add the comments (or descriptions of folders) and titles this way:
Default text - [en]English text[de]Deutsch text[it]Italian text
will result:
Default text - English text // on english page Default text - Deutsch text // on deutsch page Default text - Italian text // on italian page
or without using default:
[en]English text[de]Deutsch text[it]Italian text
will result:
English text // on english page Deutsch text // on deutsch page Italian text // on italian page
3. Specify the languages to link
In the Settings / Chameleon / General / Languages to link
box with the 2 letter language code:
Languages to Link: en,de,it
4. Select the language
Select one language e.g. “English [en]” you want to show from the language
combo box and hit Make album.
5. Do Step 4. for the other languages.
It’s enough to make only “Changes”, for your images are already generated by JAlbum.
You can use any number of languages, and any available language.