addSwipe plugin jQuery

AddSwipe plugin

With this plugin you can add swipe action to a layer, and render actions for the left and right swipe move gesture. Works with mouse and touchscreen uniformly. You can also set it up to snap to grid, e.g. window width or a fraction of the width.


$(layer).addSwipe( leftFn, rightFn, { options } );

addScroll plugin jQuery

AddScroll plugin

This plugin will add a vertical scrollbar to a layer which has content deeper than its container parent. It will watch if the window has resized, and adjusts itself. The content can be scrolled on devices with touch interface too.


$(layer).addScroll({ options });

addHint plugin jQuery

AddHint plugin

With this plugin you can display tooltips on hovering an element. You are not limited to simple texts. You can use HTML formatting even in the title attribute. Or you can generate the content by javascript and pass to the plugin. The content can be aligned to the target’s any edge, and will make sure the popup not goes off-screen.

The popup will not go away as long as you hover the mouse over it, or an input element inside has focus. Will also take care of the touch devices, where no mouse leave event exists, and will fade the popup automatically after 3 seconds (configurable).


$(layer).addHint(content, { options });

alignTo plugin jQuery

AlignTo plugin

This plugin does nothing else but – as you might have guessed – aligns an absolutely positioned layer relative to another. You can choose which corner of the layer to align to the target’s which corner. As easy as can.


$(layer).alignTo(target, { options });