
About me

I am Laszlo Molnar, living in Hungary. Started my professional life as programmer, but then turned to ad industry, where I was working as art director for over a decade. In the meantime I started learning web design, and made my first jAlbum skin (theme), Chameleon, which became extremely popular. Over 10 million albums are using this skin around the web, and was the default theme for jAlbum for over 3 years. I have developed 7 other skins in the meantime, e.g. Turtle – the most sophisticated of them – which now acts as default skin for jAlbum, replacing Chameleon in this role. When jAlbum got founded to build a community site, I was invited to join the group as front-end designer. It’s been a huge work, and a fantastic experience to work with such nice people. Since 2012 the business model has changed slightly – got less need for hand-crafted web pages – so I left some time for my personal projects. I decided to develop this site to share thoughts, bits of my work and goodies. I hope you’ll find my efforts worth coming back every now and then.


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